
Next Week Games...

We play monday Sept 29th @ 5:30, please let me know if you will be there..
try to be there by 4:45-5:00
BUT we play at the Orem Elementry Fields!!! Depending on if we win or loose we may play Oct 1st which would be the following wednesday!!
Also remember Practice on Saturday @ 9:00 am at the high school!!


Game Wednesday Sept 24th

game tomorrow @ 7:00.... be there at 6:15 at windsor park..


games tomorrow...

Our first game tomorrow is @ 5:30- please be there by 4:45... I tried to get it changed but never did, so Sorry...
I know some of you have other sports going on, or drivers ed, so just let me know what's going on like when you can be at the game, or if you cant, so I can know who is going to be there..... so I can plan

Our second game is at 8:00 so if you can make this game be there at 7:15
Please let me know what your plan is, either way..if you are coming or if you are not coming...ASAP!



We are starting off season practices.. that will be held at the high school every saturday morning @ 9:00 am for about two hours...
please come out.... show us what you got!!!


games for today

games today @ 7:00 and 8:30
be there at 6:15


Game Sept 8th

Games: 7:00 and 8:30
please arrive @ 6:15
@ windsor park