
Softball time..

Open Gym Scheduled for Jan 8th @ 5:30 at the High School in the Aux gym...
I will hand out schedules for the rest of the scheduled gym times that night, if you can not come please let me know.. I want EVERYONE there who is interested in softball and does not have another sport currently going on, if you can not make it let me or Renae know! I will leave Calendars with her a well!!


Anonymous said...

Could you please post the dates you will have open gym on your blog so I can look over the dates and see what days I can attend?

Cristy said...
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Cristy said...

Can 8th graders attend open gym? If so, it would be great to be able to look up the schedule on your blog.
Thank You!

Anonymous said...

i am interested in going to open gym. where could i get the scheduals?